Monday, September 9, 2024

IPPH Defining Fathers Legacy Series: Frederick Douglass on September 14, 2024

 Just when you think the 15 minutes of fame is long over, you get an e-mail that you don't think is supposed to be for you, but it is. You also have a wonderful talk with one of the planners.

On September 14, 2024, the Institute of Politics, Policy, and History will hold the next in its "Defining Fathers Legacy Series" focusing on Frederick Douglass at the Frederick Dogulass National Historic Site starting at 11:30. The panel will include former D.C. Mayor Sharon Pratt (a Democrat) and Michael Steele (a never-Trump former head of the Republican Party) asking quetions of Pulitzer Prize-wining Yale historian David Blight (who has always been a good friend to me) and little ole me. 

Alas, I do beleive that they are sold out, now -- or would be "sold" if the tickets weren't free. 


It should be fascinating because of the other panelists and fun for me. Also, the event includes another chance to tour Douglass's house, which is always a treat.

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